Donors who dedicate one of the spaces below will
receive permanent recognition in a special location of The HQ.
Please write in the comment section what you are dedicating.
This page will be updated every other day.
Dedicated by
Steve & Devon Medinger
Dedicated by
Beth & Bill Kegley
Dedicated by
Harry & Cathy Plack
In Grateful Partnership
- Mountain Christian Church
I would like to contact you because I can help in another manner.
Donors who sponsor one of the items below will
receive permanent recognition in a special location of The HQ.
Please write in the comment section what you are dedicating.
This page will be updated every other day.
$5,000 ($3,000 needed)
*$2,000 Dedicated By Jerry Garland
I would like to contact you because I can help in another manner.
I would like to donate towards the HQ where needed.
I'm unable to dedicate or sponsor at this time, but I would love to help in this way.