Harford County

Harford County Staff 

Tommy Schumacher

Harford County
Area Director
Contact Tommy Support Tommy

Marie Johnson

All Abilities
& FCA Sports
Contact Marie Support Marie

Autumn Topf

Harford County

Area Representative

Contact Autumn Support Autumn

Kirstin Childs

Harford County
Area Representative 
Contact Kirstin Support Kirstin

Elita Perusek

 Harford County
Club Volleyball Director
Contact Elita Support Elita

Shannan Mantegna

Harford County

Administrative Assistant

Contact Shannan Support Shannan

Mike Genco

Harford County


Contact Mike Support Mike

Zach Hartman

 Harford County
Prospective Staff
Support Zach

Sam Glock

Harford County

Prospective Staff

Support Sam

Megan Laikin

Harford County

Prospective Staff

Support Megan

Tommy Schumacher

Area Director - Harford County

Tommy moved to Maryland in 2006 from Germany in order to play soccer at Towson University. He was introduced to FCA in 2012 when he was asked to serve on the Maryland State Board. He traveled to Singapore with FCA in 2013 to help put on the first FCA Power Camp in Southeast Asia.

Tommy, his wife Abby, and children (Landon, Micah and Millie) moved to Harford County in 2016 and have found a home at Mountain Christian Church. Tommy looks forward to seeing out the FCA vision pursuing every coach and every athlete for Jesus Christ.

Marie Johnson

Harford County Area Representative, All Abilities

"It brings me so much joy to be able to serve athletes, coaches, and families in the all abilities space.  God has opened doors for us to partner with churches and other organizations to create opportunities for EVERY athlete to get to know Jesus through the avenue of sport.  This privilege I have is even more meaningful to me personally, as I get to include my family and the athletes I coach in these ministry opportunities. 
Thank you for partnering with me, either in prayer or financially. I would not be able to embark on this journey without the prayers and support of so many people."

Kirstin Childs

Central Harford County Ambassador - John Carroll School

“My goal is to be a face of hope in the darkness; to be a person whom students and coaches feel safe confiding in, knowing that I love them, because Jesus first loved me. It’s incredible to be part of an organization that allows me to love on students and share the Good News as my job. The Lord has so perfectly written my story and equipped me to serve in the schools that He’s placed me in. His faithfulness and blessings are abundant throughout this ministry!”

Autumn Topf

Harford County Area Representative

"Having the opportunity to minister to students exactly where they are is such a gift.  I get to show kids that having a relationship with Jesus isn't only a Sunday morning or youth group thing. It's an all the time thing. Jesus is with them in their classrooms and on their fields! I love being able to remind them of that truth as I see them in the hallways or on the sidelines."

Elita Perusek

 FCA Warriors Club Volleyball Director 

"FCA has been instrumental in helping our military family establish roots after moving in 2017. My daughter joined an FCA soccer team, and we quickly became part of a close-knit community. As a staff member, I've had the privilege of serving locally, sharing Jesus with young athletes while coaching the sport I love.  It's been a blessing to witness God's work in the players' lives. Moreover, each of my children have served with FCA in various ways- athletes, coaches, camp participants, and leaders- giving them the opportunity to observe Jesus in action in the lives of those they minister to. These FCA experiences have been invaluable in their growth, as they see God use them to bless and benefit others."

Mike Genco

Area Representative, FCA Operations 

"I feel blessed that I get to love and support my team with the experiences and gifts God has given me.  I enjoy engaging, equipping, and empowering my amazing teammates in order that they can fully engage in their areas of ministry.  I enjoy working behind the scenes in operations and staff care, while building relationships in the community to engage others for His Glory. The ministry of FCA has provided the platform for me, and so many others, for which I am eternally grateful."

Sam Glock

Prospective Staff

"Learning about what Christ has done for me and seeking to build a relationship with Him has completely transformed my life. I have seen the fruit of FCA’s ministry both in my own life and the lives of others and am excited to take part in what they are doing for the Kingdom!
I am excited for this new chapter to share the Gospel and lead others closer to Christ. I am also excited to become a stronger leader and grow in my own faith as well, being poured into by others and seeing God move in some cool ways."

Zach Hartman

Prospective Staff

Megan Laikin

Prospective Staff

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